Friday, November 30, 2012

How's 'at? Veterinary Terms & Abbreviations I

Like other professions, veterinary medicine has its share of abbreviations and slang. Most are legitimate short hand for disease conditions, however many disguise a dire prognosis or allow veterinary team members to humorously communicate a less than flattering assessment.

Feed Me...or Not

Agroceryosis - Lack of groceries, i.e. owner hasn't been feeding the animal. Sadly this is too common in outdoor dogs in the winter.
Garbageitis-Dietary indiscretion, almost always applied to a dog eating something he shouldn't have, e.g. old socks, spoiled food, rocks, disposable razor blades, (all true.)   Cats know better.
(Courtesy of
CFT - Chronic food toxicity i.e. obese

Cat and a half-Similar to cft but, like under-tall, often used to gently suggest to the owner that perhaps they've been feeding more than a little too much.

History Matters

Veterinary patients can't actually tell us what's wrong or where it hurts and when a problem isn't obvious a good history from their owners is often crucial to making an accurate diagnosis. It makes our jobs so much easier when owners have been paying attention and know what's normal for their pet...

BDLDLDL- Big dog, little dog, little dog lost. Picture an 80 pound dog in a 15-20 pound body, that's a Jack Russell Terrorist. Now imagine the terrier charging into the air space of an actual 80 pound dog, say a disgruntled Rottenweiler. No contest. And yet, those little dogs that fling themselves into the jaws of destruction once seem to keep at it so it's not unusual to see this collection of letters multiple times in a chart.

ADR-Ain't Doin' Right. Sometimes an owner just can't quite articulate what the problem is and the appointment book says, "adr."  Or, conversely, the receptionist surrendered in self defense because the person making the appointment has presented a plethora of unrelated information,

"Well, he's coughing but only after eating grass and vomiting but I think that's because he has a rash from the new food but he hasn't really been eating all week since we sprayed the yard but my brother-in-law's dog was fine and they both had the same hair cut after they were boarded at a new kennel do you think he can get his vaccines today?"

This could be anything from a simple case of a picky eater with kennel cough, to a serious case of skin and gastrointestinal chemical poisoning. What I know for sure is that I would not want my flu or tetanus vaccine if I had a cold or had been poisoned and hadn't eaten all week...

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